Current Region: South Tees Switch Region


Do you feel safe getting in and out of bed?

Consider if your bedding / clothing is increasing the risk of slipping from the bed.  Consider if your mattress is too soft and not providing support, or your bed is too high or too low.

Is there a light that can be turned on and off from the bed?

Fit a pull cord for the main light within reach of the bed.  A bedside lamp is an alternative though may be a fire hazard if it is permanently plugged in. A battery powered push light fitted next to the bed is a good solution.

Is there a telephone next to your bed?

It is useful to have a telephone in your bedroom. Ensure your pendant alarm, if you have one, is within reach when you are in bed. DO NOT leave mobile phones charging overnight – Fire Risk

Further Information

Fire Safety Advice

  • Never smoke in bed
  • Don't fold electric blanket and check for wear and tear before use – make sure you switch off before bed
  • Have a bedtime routine – switch off electricals, close internal doors and make sure your escape route is clear
  • Emollient skin products ( for a variety of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, ulcers and bed sores) are safe to use but can leave a flammable residue on clothes or bedding so no naked flames or cigarette.
  • If a member of your household uses oxygen Cleveland Fire Brigade can provide specialist advice on fire safety call 01429 874063