Our Solution

Steady On Your Feet provides a flexible, integrated and regional approach to falls prevention. Alongside our interactive online platform, campaign materials have been created to support the work of NHS organisations and local authorities.
Steady On Your Feet Illustration

Taking the right steps

Built around a personal online self-assessment tool, the Steady On Your Feet platform has been designed to assist healthcare practitioners and falls prevention teams.

Falls Awareness Assessment / The Platform

Completed by the individual at risk, or with the help of someone else, the interactive experience provides a personal action plan that aims to reduce the chance of falls and increase confidence in daily activities. This is also complemented by a wealth of information including a library of information and advice, downloadable resources, and a series of video tutorials.

Behind the scenes, the website is managed through a simple content management system, with the self-assessment tool providing in-depth reporting and analytics about users and their action plans.

The platform can be integrated into any existing activity – and even customised to your specific project, region or organisation. If your region doesn’t already have an active falls prevention campaign, Steady On Your Feet also offers a licenced, off-the-shelf brand, as well as supporting marketing materials.

Key Features
  • Online self-assessment tool
  • Library of information and advice
  • Downloadable resources
  • Exercise diary template
  • Video exercise tutorials
  • Interactive home risk assessment
  • Expert content support
  • Custom regionalisation
  • Fully content managed
  • Bespoke features available
  • Data management and reporting
Campaign & Brand Toolkit

Alongside the Steady On Your Feet platform, our campaign and brand toolkit are available to licence across the UK. Both of these can be flexibly integrated into existing activity, or used as a completely fresh approach to falls prevention. Customisation and localisation is also an option, helping your campaign feel unique to your area or organisation. As well as our digital offering, practical marketing materials such as posters, booklets and stickers are included.

Whether it’s one-off activity or as part of a fully-packaged, platform-supported campaign, Steady On Your Feet provides the perfect solution to support your falls prevention strategy.

Book a demo

If you are interested in how we can support your falls prevention activity or delivery work, please complete the form below to book a demo or to find out more:

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