Current Region: South Tees Switch Region

Falling is a common problem but it’s not an inevitable part of ageing.

Steady On Your Feet is a campaign led by the NHS and local authorities to help increase confidence and reduce the risk of falls. Our advice, guidance and resources are designed for anyone worried about feeling unsteady on their feet. They aim to equip people with simple tips to stay active, independent and safe during everyday activities.

Use the Self Assessment Tool Now
Steady On Your Feet Illustration

Information and Advice

If you’ve recently had a fall or felt unsteady on your feet, it can really impact your confidence and the way you get around.

View Advice


Feeling weak or unsteady can increase your risk of falls. Use our video exercises to keep active and improve bone health, muscle strength, balance and confidence.

View Excercises

Self Assessment

Use our self assessment tool to help reduce your risk of falling and increase your confidence. It is designed for anyone who may be worried about feeling unsteady on their feet.

Start Assessment

Brought to you in partnership with

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council
NHS - South Tees Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust
NHS - Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys - NHS Foundation Trust
NHS - Tees Valley - Clinical Commissioning Group
Middlesbrough Council
Age UK
RNIB - See differently
Carers Together
Public Health
Tees LPC
Ageing Better Middlesbrough
Community Fund

If you or someone you know is unsteady on their feet, we are here to help. For many people over 65, the risks of falling can be a difficult subject to bring up. Simply talking about worries and making arrangements can put minds at ease and improve confidence.

Steady On Your Feet Illustration
Steady On Your Feet - Strategy Document Cover

The Steady on Your Feet campaign has been developed through partnership working with health, local authority and voluntary agencies. More detail on the campaign and pathway development can be found in the strategy document.

View Strategy Document

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Falls Assessment – Not missing the opportunity

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