Current Region: South Tees Switch Region

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The Launch of 'Steady On Your Feet'

Steady On Your Feet is an all new campaign led by NHS England and local authorities to help reduce the risk of falls amongst over 65s.

Our advice, guidance and resources are designed for anyone worried about feeling unsteady on their feet. They aim to equip people with simple tips to stay active, independent and safe during everyday activities.

Why falls are a problem

To understanding the personal impact of falls on an older person, there is also the financial and system pressures caused by falls. Around a third of all people aged 65 and over fall each year, this increases to 50% of people aged over 80; falls are the major cause of disability and mortality resulting from an injury in people aged over 75 in the UK. Nationally, over 190,000 older people are admitted to hospital every year as the result of a fall.

Our mission and approach

Our mission is a simple one: to reduce the number of falls and fall related injuries of people living in the South Tees region. But while it’s a simple aim, it requires a comprehensive, system-wide approach.

We work in partnerships with over 65s, their families, health and social care professionals and voluntary agencies to offer simple and aligned advice that’s easy to follow.

An intergenerational approach helps to empower change, increase confidence and provide longlasting community impact. This also means involving the ‘younger-older generation’ — those aged between 45 and 65 who as well as looking after their own parents, are the next generation of over 65s.

Assessment Tool

As part of our mission we have developed an online falls assessment tool to identify individuals at a higher risk of falls and fractures. As a user makes their way through the online assessment the tool will generate an action plan based on the answers given. It is designer anyone why may be worried about feeling unsteady on their feet with the aim to prevent any falls in the future.

Give me just a little more time

We know that for many elderly people, feeling unsteady on your feet can cause worry and anxiety. And often it’s the everyday things that cause the most concern. Things like answering the door or nipping to the shops.

Alongside our simple tips and advice, we’ve created a sticker that’s designed to help over 65s and businesses better deal with the risks and concerns of falling. Placed in windows or entrances, the sticker gives visitors who might be susceptible to falls some much needed reassurance and confidence.

It shows that the business and its staff will be patient, understanding and on hand to help as they get around. They’re ideal for places like shops, cafes and restaurants — where older people may feel particularly at risk of falling or even causing an inconvenience. It’s hoped that this will bring renewed confidence, and encourage more people to visit their local shops and eateries.

A variation of the sticker has also been created for use at home. In this setting, the sticker gives visitors a heads up that it might take a little longer than usual to answer the door. As well as relieving pressure on the elderly as they move around their home, it’ll also help anyone popping by be a little more understanding.

A fresh new look

Our new brand has been designed with Better, an award-winning brand agency based at the heart of our region in Middlesbrough. Better have previously worked with the NHS, North of England Commissioning Support Unit and the University Hospitals Association on a range of creative projects.

The new identify reflects our system-wide approach and an inclusive, personal and positive outlook. Emphasis has been placed on moving away from a traditional, clinical centric angle, with instead more focus on the real change-makers — the people themselves. Language and graphics have also been carefully considered to avoid negative or overused symbolism.